A. Background
Language has a very important function in the rank of life form. Functions of language, among others, is, (1) as a vehicle of communication between members of community, through language to communicate members of the public opinion between humanities, (2) as the storage of knowledge, and (3) mirror the situation as a social environment. With functions such as these, it can be said that during a human life, will never be separated from the language. According to Wardhaugh, Ronald as was copied by Ardan, H.M (1997:11) “Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.”Its mean that language is a structural of symbol system used to communicate.” So, if we want to communicate with the others people, moreover the foreign people from different country like Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, USA, etc., we must mastering the international language, of course it is English. In this paper the writer will study about teaching culture of American and British in English classroom in Indonesia. I think, language is a kind of culture. It is a “System of communication in speech and writing used by people of a particular country.” (Oxford, 2008:247). As we knew, every country has different language. It’s appropriate with their culture. It’s mean, if we study a language, it means we study a culture and if we teach a language, we teach a culture. Because that, this paper is going to study about Teaching Culture of American and British in English Classroom in Indonesia. B. Problem’s Formulation According to the background he wants to know does Indonesia makes teaching American and British culture in the English classroom.
C. Aims of the Study
Knowing the theory and the application of teaching American and British culture in the English classroom in Indonesia.
D. Use of the Study
The result of this Paper hopefully will be useful for readers, especially for teachers to increase their knowledge about the teaching culture of American and British in English classroom in Indonesia.
E. Procedure
This paper is written according to the writer’s environment from studying in campus, internet and reading some books as the references.

A. Theoretical Background
Language is a part of culture component that used by human to communicate and getting many information for developing their knowledge and environment. When we study or teach a language, automatically we study or teach a culture of a country. Now the writer is going to study about Teaching Culture of American and British in English Classroom in Indonesia.
When we talk about teaching, we will remember in teaching has methods that usually used in every teaching activity. In this part, the writer will explain about the methodologies of teaching language especially American and British methodologies which also usually used in Indonesia:
1. Grammar-Translation Method (GTM)
Emphasizes the teaching of the second language grammar. Its principal practice technique is translation from and into the target language. This very useful methodology to give understanding to student about meaning a foreign language studied by them though still having the character of traditional. In the existing finite schools as in Indonesia, teacher still using this methodology, because the methodology is still effective to use.
2. Direct Method
Characterized by the use of the target language as a means of instruction and communication in the language classroom, and by the avoidance of the use of the first language and of translation as a technique.
3. Reading Method
This method deliberately restricts the goal of language teaching to training in reading comprehension.
4. Audio-Lingual Method
Characteristics: (1) separation of the skills, listening, speaking, reading, writing - and the primacy of the audio-lingual over the graphic skills; (2) the use of dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language; (3) emphasis on certain practice techniques - mimicry, memorization, and pattern drills; (4) establishing a linguistic and psychological theory as a basis for the method.
5. Silent Way
In language learning/acquisition learners use their thinking processes - cognition - to discover the rules of the language they are acquiring, by formulating hypotheses. Errors are inevitable and are signs that the learners are testing their hypotheses. Learners are actively responsible for their own learning. "Teaching should be subordinated to learning".
6. Suggestopedia
This method has been developed to help students eliminate the feeling they cannot succeed by helping them overcome the psychological barriers to learning; learning involves both the conscious and the unconscious. The learner is seen as a person who’s physical, emotional, and intellectual sides are intertwined. People can learn much faster than they usually do.
7. Total Physical Response
Like all of the "comprehension" methods, TPR emphasizes listening comprehension while it delays speech production. The main teaching device is the use of commands through which the teacher directs students' behavior. Meaning in the target language is taught through actions. TPR was developed in order to reduce the stress that learners feel when studying a foreign language.
8. Communicative Approach
Learners need to use the target language forms, meanings, and functions in negotiating meaning, foreign language teaching must be concerned with reality, including real communication as it. Takes place outside and inside the classroom. The learning atmosphere must be supportive and must promote opportunities for expression.
In their methods can put materials describing about American and Britain culture for study like live style, educational system, technology, economy, religion, buildings, law, language is too, etc.
In American and British there are excellent girls’ boarding schools and boys boarding schools for all needs and ages, besides the methodologies. . There are elite top private boarding schools as well as more affordable boarding school options. There are Christian boarding schools and boarding schools for troubled teens. Some boarding schools offer the option to be a day student without boarding while offering the same quality boarding school education. In Indonesia also has many boarding schools called “Pondok Pesantren” the special school of Moslem.
Besides that, in teaching culture also has specification of grades’ education in American and Britain according to the ages. The first is school years in American:
Typical age (at end of the school year)
Various optional programs, such as Head Start
Under 6
9th Grade (Freshman)
10th Grade (Sophomore)
11th Grade (Junior)
12th Grade (Senior)
Ages vary (usually four years,
referred to as Freshman,
Sophomore, Junior and
Senior years)
Ages vary
The Second is the school years in Britain:
· Primary Education
o Infant School or Primary School
§ Reception, age 4 to 5
§ Year 1, age 5 to 6
§ Year 2, age 6 to 7 (KS1 National Curriculum Tests - England only)
o Junior School or Primary School
§ Year 3, age 7 to 8
§ Year 4, age 8 to 9
§ Year 5, age 9 to 10
§ Year 6, age 10 to 11 (Eleven plus exams in some areas of England, Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests)
· Secondary Education
o Middle School, High School or Secondary School
§ Year 7, old First Form, age 11 to 12
§ Year 8, old Second Form, age 12 to 13
§ Year 9, old Third Form, age 13 to 14 (Key Stage 3 National Curriculum Tests, known as SATs (Standard Assessment Tests))
o Upper School or Secondary School
§ Year 10, old Fourth Form, age 14 to 15
§ Year 11, old Fifth Form, age 15 to 16 (old O Level examinations, modern GCSE examinations)
o Upper School, Secondary School, or Sixth Form College
§ Year 12 or Lower Sixth, age 16 to 17 (AS-level examinations)
§ Year 13 or Upper Sixth, age 17 to 18 (A2-level examinations. Both AS-levels and A2-levels count towards A-levels .)
It’s not far from Indonesian, there are:
o Taman Kanak-kanak
§ Age 5 to 6
o Sekolah Dasar
§ Class I, age 7 to 8
§ Class II, age 8 to 9
§ Class III, age 9 to 10
§ Class IV, age 10 to 11
§ Class V, age 11 to 12
§ Class VI, age 12 to 13
o Sekolah Menengah Pertama
§ Class VII, age 13 to 14
§ Class VIII, age 14 to 15
§ Class IX, age 15 to 16
o Sekolah Menengah Akhir
§ Class X, age 16 to 17
§ Class XI, age 17 to 18
§ Class XII, age 18 to 19
o Perguruan Tinggi (above of age 19)
§ Diploma I, Diploma II and Diploma III
§ S1, S2, and S3
It means that the application of teaching culture not only methods, but also system and specification or leveling based on the ages.
B. Results
Language is a kind of culture. Its mean, if we study or teach a language, automatically we study or teach a culture of a country. So if we study American or English, automatically we study or tech a culture of the countries.
In teaching English, Indonesian teacher usually uses the methodological teaching (Grammar-Translation Method, Direct Method, Reading Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, and Communicative Approach) that adopted from America and Britain teaching methodology.
Indonesia has boarding school called “Pondok Pesantren”, as Islamic school. In America and Britain is too having boarding school for study Christian. I think Islamic boarding school is too because its suit to the human right in this world to chose religion as the people’s way to live.
The system education is also adopted in Indonesia. It can be seen from our curriculum and leveling based on the ages. Now we are using KTSP as the newer curriculum. In leveling is not different with the school years of American and British.
In the classroom, we can put materials according to culture of American and British as an introduction the culture to the students. Certainly it must relate to materials of language teaching of the time. Especially in reading class, it will be useful for increasing students’ ability in reading also make them knowing the culture all at once.
A. Conclusion
Language is a part of culture which very important for human lives. We must communicate to other people when we need something. Because the human is “zoon politicon”. We can not live in this world without them.
English is an important language for us. Because English is International language.
Teaching American and English culture in English classroom in Indonesia not only the language but the teaching methodology and education system are too used by puting culture material in one or more studies as an introduction of the culture but it must be related to the discussion of the study.
B. Suggestion
The writer hopes this paper can useful for the reader. If there are mistakes, the writer wish to the reader gives opinion or critics to repair this paper for the next.
Ardan, H. Muharam. (1997). Introduction to Linguistics. Tasikmalaya: Tidak dipublikasikan.
Oxford University Press. (2008). Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary. Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press
Richards, Jack C and Theodores Rodgers. (1986). Language Teaching. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2010) Education in England. Diakses: 17 January 2010 at 03:39 dari http://www.wikipedia.org/. Tersedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_England.htm
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2010) Education in the United States.
17 January 2010 at 03:39 dari http://www.wikipedia.org/. Tersedia:
Learn English Free. (2010). British Culture, British Customs and British Traditions. Diakses 17 January2010 at 03:39 dari http://learnenglish.de/. Tersedia: http://www.learnenglish.de/educationculture.htm


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